JU Admit Card 2025 Download - Jahangirnagar University

Jahangirnagar University is the only residential public university in Bangladesh. Every year thousands of students compete for admission to this university. Admission applications for 2024-2025 have already been completed and admission tests will start soon. All students must download the JU Admit Card 2025 to participate in the admission test. An applicant has to download a separate admit card for each of the units for which he has applied for the admission test. No student will be allowed to take the admission test without the admit card. Jahangirnagar University Admit Card 2025 can be downloaded from the admission website.

Jahangirnagar University Admit Card 2025

Jahangirnagar University Admit Card 2025 download will start from 2nd February 2025. Admit cards can be downloaded till the date of admission test of each unit. The admit card will contain the date, time, roll number of the admission test and other information. Candidates have to follow all the instructions mentioned in the admit card.

How to download JU Admit Card?

JU Admit Card 2025 can be downloaded by logging into the admission website ju-admission.org. Admit card can be downloaded by logging in on the scheduled date. For this you have to follow the instructions below.

  1. Visit ju-admission.org. 
  2. Enter "Student Login" option. 
  3. Enter your mobile number provided in the application form 
  4. Enter password 
  5. Click on login button. 
  6. Enter the unit you applied for. 
  7. Download and print the admit card. 

Admission Test Schedule

Jahangirnagar University admission test will start from 9th February 2025. The admission test will continue till 19th February 2025. Admission test of each unit will be held in multiple shifts. Detailed schedule of admission test will be published on admission website, various national dailies and other media.


Exam Date


A Unit


B Unit


C Unit


D Unit


E Unit


F Unit


G Unit


General Instructions for Admission Test

It is important to follow some general instructions for taking the admission test.

  • Candidates have to appear at the examination center at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time.
  • Admit card and other necessary papers must be brought.
  • It is prohibited to bring mobile phones or any other electronic device in the examination center.
  • Candidates have to sit peacefully in the examination hall and follow the instructions of the examiners.

Seat Plan

Detailed seat plan will be published before Jahangirnagar University admission test. Separate seat plan is published for each unit. You can know the detailed seat plan by logging into the admission website. Generally, the detailed seat plan is published on the website 24-48 hours before the admission test of any unit.

Admission Test Marks Distribution

Jahangirnagar University admission test will be taken in MCQ method. Answer sheets will be evaluated by Optical Mark Reader (OMR) method. For each wrong answer 0.20 (zero point two zero) marks will be deducted.

All units will have 80 MCQ based exams. Exam duration is 55 minutes. However, 5 minutes will be given separately for filling OMR.

Distribution of marks for admission test of different units:


Subject and Number

A Unit (Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Institute of Information Technology, IIT)

Bengali - 03, English - 03, Mathematics - 22, Physics - 22, Chemistry - 22, ICT - 08

B Unit (Faculty of Social Sciences)

Bengali - 20, English - 20, General Knowledge - 15, General Mathematics - 20, Logical Analysis - 05

C Unit (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Law and Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture)

Bengali - 20, English - 20, General Knowledge and other subjects related to the department - 40

C1 Unit (Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Department of Drama and Dramaturgy and Department of Fine Arts)

Bengali - 10, English - 10, General Knowledge - 20, Other subjects related to the department - 40

D Unit (Faculty of Biological Sciences)

Bengali - 4, English - 4, Intelligence - 4, Chemistry - 24, Biology (Botany-22, Zoology-22) - 44

E Unit (Faculty of Business Studies)  Business Studies Group:

Bengali - 20, English - 20, Accounting - 20, Management - 20  Science/Humanities/Equivalent Group:  Bengali - 20, English - 20, Mathematics and Analytical Ability - 20, Subject Based General Knowledge - 20

Institute of Business Administration, IBA-JU

Bengali - 05, English - 30, Mathematical aptitude and IQ - 30, Contemporary and Analytical Subjects - 15

Note: The entire question paper except Bengali part in the admission test of Institute of Business Administration, IBA-JU will be prepared in English.


If you have applied for admission test in Jahangirnagar University, then download the JU Admit Card 2025 within the stipulated date. Remember the date of admission test mentioned in the admit card. Must read and follow the instructions mentioned in the admit card carefully. Bring the original registration card of HSC and equivalent examination along with the admit card to the admission test center. Make sure you reach the exam center before the scheduled time. For more details you can follow the website of Jahangirnagar University.
